Respiratory Acidosis: Where the pH<7.40 AND [pCO2]>40, that is the partial pressure of carbon dioxide is greater than the normal 40. Again, 40 is normal. Don’t memorize a range.

Metabolic Acidosis:  pH<7.40 AND [pCO2]<40**

Respiratory Alkalosis: pH>7.40 AND [pCO2]<40

Metabolic Alkalosis: pH>7.40 AND [pCO2]>40

Note that in a respiratory process, the pH and pCO2 go in the opposite direction and in a metabolic process the pH and pCO2 go in the same direction. This is because CO2 (carbon dioxide) acts as an acid in the body.

**When a metabolic acidosis is present, we must look for an anion gap (AG). AG=[Na]-[Cl]-[HCO3]. If the patient’s albumin is low, the anion gap changes. The correction for albumin is cAG= AG + 2.5(4-Albumin) for albumin measured in g/dL.